"Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin
In the beginning of the story, I kept wondering about what he was reading in the newspaper and what it was about. Why does he feel like he should convince himself that what he was reading wasn't true. Then I was trying to figure out what he mean't by "being trapped in the dar
kness which roared outside"? I liked how Baldwin personified "darknes" as something that roars. As read on in the paragraphs I was shocked to find out that the algebra teacher who was reading the paper was Sonny's older brother. When I was reading the part about how he compared his brother and himself to the students at his school and how throughtout all the negative noise and cursing in th hallways, he found one student's calming whistle to drown out all the noise. The older brother talked about how limited his students where and that they are only exposed to darkness. I agree with him. Sometimes in low class neighborhoods, people are disadvantaged and aren't as exposed to as many things as they should be. This brought me back to the story as it went on talking about how Sonny reunites with his brother and his older brother is hoping that Sonny won't go back to doing drugs on the street. In families, members do feel like they have a responsibility to look out for loved ones who are in need of help. I also noticed how the older brother didn't really support Sonny's decision to become a Jazz musician. Towards the end of the story, I had a feeling that Sonny was going to die, but I was glad to find out that he had his own little family at the Village Jazz club and he was rocking that club with his piano performance.

I think all the points you make are very interesting Jovan. I espescially think the point you made about how he personifies darkness was interesting. this made me think about how many different ways darkness has been personified throughout time. This could be an idea for the next essay. I agree with the writers ability to draw someone into this story as well. He did a very good job in that. I am also glad that you spent some of your focus on the ending of the story. It was a very interesting contrast to the rest of the mood of the story.
I like that you pointed out that the brother takes car of Sonny, and worries about him. I wonder if there is any validity in exploring the archetypal parenting role of the brother. I feel like the brother acted like a parent who didnt approve of what their children's choices were, instead of supporting them. I think that is the hardest thing for a child to go through because no one wants to be a disappointment to their parents. I think that in the end the brother realized that he needed to be a brother, not a parent to Sonny.
That was my same reaction when the story first started out. I wanted to know so badly what was in the newspapers and on the subway, and everywhere else. It must have been important if it was everywhere. I had a feeling the person thinking was related to SOnny somehow, i assumed he was a brother. It shocked me though that he hadnt talked to him in a year or so. that always surprises me, when i hear that family members havent talked in years.
I like what you have to say about this story. Darkness is mentioned several times in this story and it plays a big part throughout.
Children in low income neighborhoods are born into a dark world. once you get past the drugs, alchol, and prostiution; you still have a limited amount of resources. I feel sorry for those children that don't get to see the other side of the city or even the other side of the neighborhood.
Your blog sounds different from mind and some others, but I like that so I won't be commenting on the same things. The beginning of the story had me wondering more because I didn't know what was being read and how he connected to the narrator. You focused on some great points and I agree with a lot of what you said.
Hey Jovan
I think that you made really good points. It also surpsied me when the algebra teacher ended up being his brother, I thoguht that Sonny was going to have been one of his former students. It was also a great mystery what the news paper said. Although the conversation the narartor had with one of SOnnys old friends kind of cleared that up for me, but not completly. You have a lot of good ideas in what you wrote that could be further developed and that i think you could turn into an interesting twist.
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