Wednesday, February 6, 2008

1st BLOG

Yea. Its me, Jovi. Just waitn here to see what Clary has in store for us this semester. Looks like it's going to be interesting


Shakerrie Allmond said...

Hey Jovi hows it going? I wonder how this class is going to go. I have a positive outlokk on it so far.

PraiseDance_21 said...

I was
I was here...
I was here to leave you asilly comment from little ol' Are you happy now Jovi?

~*Shannon*~ said...

Hey Jovi! This little blog thing isn't bad (fake myspace). This semester seems to already be interesting and I can't wait til it's over so we can get out of here!

d A n A said...

Hey, it's Dana. Everyone else visited your page so I figured it must be the place to be. I've come to the end of this comment. I'll return!

Clary said...

Hi Jovan
Where are you responses? You should have two so far on the film and the first section of "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Follow the guidelines on your syllabus for the Online Writing Journal. Please email me if you are having difficulty. Please plan to meet on Tuesday at 12pm to make up a class period.